Saturday, October 21, 2006

Kill, Muqtada al-Sadr's, his Adminstration is one of Death! There is an Elephant in our Living Room, "Iran, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad"

Militant cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose Shiite militia has been battling U.S. forces across Iraq, warned Monday that he would fight "until the last drop of my blood has been spilled," in his first appearance since the violence began. So be it, he must be removed, and his Army left in ruin. His leadership is an "Administration of Death", and his Victims are Suni Women, Children, and the Downtrodden. He has been weighed in the scales and found wanting. He will likey stand before Jesus soon! His days are numbered.

It is now time to engage the real enemy Iran, and give them The Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM)TLAM-A and TLAM-N in the thousands. Give their Nuclear sites and armys the same! We have the technology, we have the will it is time to take the war were it belongs. Admit it DOD, there is an Elephant in the Living Room, and it is Iran, were much of radical Islam is spawned! Crush the Head of the Serpent, and then crush its body Syria. It will change the balance of power in favor of moderate Islam. If Iran thinks we are Lucifer, give his nuclear sites, and their Army's "Lucifer's Hammer". It should be noted it's leader actually wants this "inevitable event" to hassen the advent of their false apocalyptic beliefs.

We must take the pressure of our Active & Reserve Components by using STAND-OFF capabilities. America is in the fight of its life, and doesn't even know it. Our Country is within two years of loosing one of its cities from and Iranian nuclear weapon, or worse a black market Pocket Nuclear weapons from Russia, Korea, or one the Balkan States, which they will sell for greed sake. We know all of these weapons have nuclear signature. Those that sell them will be a victim, by default of the same, because We will know were they originated!

We must not forget the Suni down trodden, their Women or Children. Seek the wise Counsel of Saudi Arabia, as long as if benefits our troops, the American people, and the price per barrel of Oil. We must recognize who our true Enemy are. At the end of the day, it will likely be US, the Brits, IDF, and maybe the Saudi's. We must take the battle to were it belongs. If we don't kill them in their battlefield we will be doing it in our own Homeland. They are already here, so prepare. We have grown soft, have forgotton 911, and Oklahoma City, and the bombings and deaths of many our fighting Men and Women. We will not be able to appease an enemy, that cannot be appeased. We will not be able to negotiate a peace. There is no peace. We will fight them there, but it is clear the time is coming when we will fight them here. America is at sleep, but it will awaken soon, and as a result of a WMD in our own Country.

Ok, what little things can be done? We can change the day by starting to put our Soldiers back in the right equipment, which is the M113 APC, instead of the Humvee. The Humvee is not fit for this battlefield. The M113 APC is a "Diamond in the Rough" The Up-Armored M114 Humvee is a failure. The Styker is an over priced SUV. Neither of these two vehicles are non-linier warfighters. Secure our boarders. Implement a National ID card, and do it before it is to late!

Put our Soldiers back in the M113A1 Gavin ACAV. We own thrity thousand. Lets give the new Secretary of Defense a chance to remove remnants of Rumsfeld's Neocon Generals and change entrenched paradygme of Lighter, Faster, Cheaper!

New Rules of Engagement

Anyone carrying a Weapon will be killed!

Enough is enough, put these soldier back in the GAVIN M113 ACAV. We own 30,000 of them. DOD; either get out or committ the Logistics and Numbers of Troops to complete the mission. It is that simple. Lets give the new Secretary of Defense a chance.

Secretary of Defense: start replacing the Generals, and remove Rumsfelds Neocon Generals, or give them a chance to redeem themselves by killing the Transformation they are responsible for.

Donald Rumsfeld said the events of today could not be anticipated. As a retired First Sergeant, and Vietnam Veteran I say it all could be anticipated.