Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Embrace the horrors of war, or get OUT

Dear Josh,

You asked for my perspective of the Vietnam War. I was in the thick of that war. I was a young man, barely 17, and in 1968 and volunteered during the Tet Offensive in Vietnam, for the US Army. Within a year I was in an H Troop 17th Cavalry, 198th Brigade Americal Division. Many bad things happened on both sides during that war. Like the My Lai massacre, Tet Offensive, and many others.

I won’t elaborate on any combat I was involved in other than generalities. Unless you were in it you will not understand, so that is a mute point! War is horrific, violent beyond description and necessary at times. I spent my entire life in the military and at the height of my career was a First Sergeant of an Armored Cavalry Troop, 9 M1 Tanks, 13 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, all the MTOE (equipment) and 170 men. In 2002 I retired. You asked was Vietnam worth it?

The truth of this may be confusing to you. It is certainly graphic. In my view, I believe out of necessity that the 59,000 lives that were lost, and the 300,000 injured or maimed, did effect a change in World History for benefit of democracy of Eastern Bloc Nations. I would like to explain.

The Vietnam War was a war of attrition by all sides. That is, over whelming forces of Nation States devoting massive expenditures in supplies, goods, war making efforts, logistics, and tragically the sacrifice of Soldiers. In the case of the United State we had more of it all, despite the fact that we left Vietnam.

We also left behind many that supported us. The oppressive regime of the North Vietnamese Government destroyed for example the Montagarnds Yard Tribesmen of Vietnam. Many that supported the US were killed, or their societies were decimated after the war by the North Vietnamese Government. This is because the US failed to support those whom fought alongside us. This is much like the Kurds in Iraq after we left Iraq in Desert 1. I had a Kit Carson Scout that was Viet Cong that switched sides in Vietnam. He was my interpreter. He didn’t make it as well. All crew members on my Track have passed away as a result of War.

As a result of these powerful forces being involved, and I specifically refer to the USSR, and China, it caused them to devote massive resources, and money into their war fighting effort. I believe their efforts resulted in the USSR falling and the opening of the Eastern block to democratic principles!

It is my view the United States should embrace the horrors of war, execute it with extreme prejudice, or simply get out. That includes Water-Boarding. I speak of it current poorly executed initiatives in Iraq and Afghanistan. I hope this helps you Josh. I also have a BLOG site I been running since Desert One.

In closing it is quite simple. I don’t think the United States and more specifically its populace can embrace the violence necessary to make the changes that are needed in the entire Middle East. So we should get out and harden our own National Defense. At the end of the day so to speak it will be the United States, the Brits, and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF). The United State sadly should brace itself for weapons of mass destruction in our own Country. It will likely be the case the IDF will make the change in the Middle East starting with Iran for America, out of its own National Interest. It will likely happen soon. I have enclosed some random web sites on the history of these events, and I appreciate your interest in my BLOG

Note: For you Josh and your school mates I suggest you love your families, study, enjoy school, your youth, and don’t be in a hurry to grow up! Endeavor to find other interests. This is to dark. Because of many things I mentioned in this letter I cheated myself out of my youth. I don’t regret it. For me it was a history of achievements, but for you don’t be in a hurry to grow up! Have fun!