Attack Iran, before it is to late. Iran supplies RPG 18's, 82mm Mortar Rounds, and components to various explosive devises to the insurgents in Iraq. Iran is killing our Soldiers! Destroy the Iranian Army, AirForce, Navy, Nuclear capablities, NBC Sites and Communications.
Remember Beriut Barracks, Khobar Towers, USS Cole bombings. Destroy IRAN's war making capability now!
I saw your comments on the BBC world have your say and followed your link here. Rumsfeld has been the real disaster re the Iraqi conflict. I supported the invasion of Iraq after Sadaam had been snubbing his nose atthe world for so long about weopons inspections etc. What I hoped for was a US led invasion in sufficient strength to not only dcefeatthe Iraqi army but also to properly button down the country afterwards and begin proper "nation building". Runsfleds interferance with the US army however scuppered these hopes. It was Rusfeld I believe who forced on them an approach which used a pared down invasion force. Now this certainly did the immediate job militarily but it completely failed to take account of the need to control the country and transition the Iraqi army and security forces and to control teh country during this phase. Because of Rusfeld the situation got almost completely out of control and we (US and UK) have been picking up the pieces ever since. God knows why Bush stuck with Rumsfeld for so long.
Thank you for your comments. Hopefully Trump will be wiser. At least the military is being rebuilt! I just re-read my blog from long ago.
I still agree with what I wrote.
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