Sunday, April 10, 2011

America, Its Not About You Any More Bring them Home

If America wants to spark Freedom in a World of Tyrants then offer up the Internet Free Via US sponsored Satellite over these Nation State that have Tyrants in the Middle East! It wouldn't take to many. I use this technology as a Security Specialist in my field, and I know! Use the technology that America thrives in against the Enemy! The people will rise up on their own against the Tyrants if they have a taste of Freedom. It will result in the revolutions we are now witnessing at a manifold level! That will be America's Victory. America has had its Revolutions. We had to learn "Freedom is not Free". Think about our own Revolutionary War, and the Civil War. Peoples in the Middle East, and elsewhere will have to pay their own price for Freedom if they want it! We have seen the spark of freedom that the Internet has provided people through Face Book and Twitter in the Middle East. If people want Freedom the cost is Revolution! We can support them, we can help them, "but we cannot Fight their Fight". American cannot win in 4Th Generation Warfare (4GW) bring our Troops Home. We cannot win in this manner. There is nothing to win! We have wasted 3 Trillion Dollars. "It is a Fiasco!" The Human toll in US sacrifices is over 4500 Troops, and more than 70,000 injured troops who were wounded so seriously that they had to be Medivaced. There are over a half million Troops that will impact the Veterans Administration Hospitals with all levels of PTSD, and other ailments. This is a 3 Trillion Dollar War. Our Occupation of Iraq is now in its 8Th year. Retired First Sergeant Stanfill (Armored Cavalry) says "get our Troops the hell out of there", and be prepared to "Decapitate The Leadership of any Rogue Nations" with Tomahawk Cruise Missiles. Be prepared to use the entire available inventory of Warheads, especially when "Genocide" occurs. Gather the Intelligence and Decapitate the Leadership! Clinton should have done in Rwanda, but didn't do it! Bush 1 and 2 should have, but didn't do it in Dufar. President Obama you are barely doing doing it Libya! Paradigm Shift now Mr. President. Make the Leaders or Rouge Nations pay with their lives. We owe this Paradigm Shift in thinking to humanity to stop Genocide. We cannot afford or sustain this our current way of thinking financially, because this battle is 4GW. That is 4TH Generation Warfare. It is now time for the Paradigm Shift! Bring our Troops Home. It is a wasted effort, just like Vietnam. I am a Vietnam Veteran and a Retired First Sergeant. Listen to your NOC's bring them home. Destroy leaderships that commit Genocide. Spend millions on Intelligence, and a decade to find the where they hide, live, finances, move, and have their being, and kill the. Then let America spend it resources wisely instead of it Soldiers wasting Americas greatest resource. That is why we have the CIA. That is their job. If they should find them. I they can't "fire its leadership, and hire someone who can accomplish the mission". Again Decapitate any Foreign Leaderships that commits "Genocide"on its own people. Remove every Soldier out of both Theaters of War immediately! Get every Soldiers out back to the USA. Leave those those disgusting "Wheeled Vehicles" industry has created to make a profit at the Soldiers expense. Vehicles and equipment that been killing are Soldiers. Put them back in "Armor" they deserve and refit our Military. The beans and bullets of this matter is simply this; If the United States of America ever has to go to War never take "Contractor's" into Theater to sustain the Order of Battle. "Don't Fricking Go" with Contractors you Idiots! Our Government by Commission is sacrificing America's best for nothing. If the United States ever goes to War we cannot use any thing but the Army's Organic Equipment (TOE), or just don't go. That means "No Fricking Contractors". It is that simple "America should never go to war unless its for it protection of the "Homeland". Don't go to war without the Powell Doctrine firmly entrenched in the "Order of Battle" What does this mean? It means the Powell Doctrine is always in effect, and there has to be an "Exit Strategy". Also our military must never be in the business of rebuilding any infrastructure of a given nation i.e. the Social Military. There is no such thing. Army's are designed to kill not do social work for some other Nation State. The business of war has now become a get rich quick scheme for Rouge Corporations, Perverted Capitalists, some Retired Government Executives, including a Vice President, and some Retired Military Officers. Its over folks. We are right were the Russian's were just before the Wall came down in East Germany. We are Broke! Its as simple as that America. This country is being run by the Robber Baron's. America, Its Not About You Any More Bring Them Home!

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